Walk behind Tyrone and slice his throat!

From Create Your Own Story

Tyrone is entirely focused on stuffing his cock up Kristen's resisting virgin asshole.

You slowly walk behind him and pull out your blade. One of Tyrone's hands is holding both of Kristen's hands behind her back. His other hand is lining his cock up with her backdoor. You move like lighting and reach around his neck to slice his throat open. He quickly releases her and takes a swing at you, knocking you to the floor. One of his hands is around his throat trying to stop the bleeding, and his other hand is around your neck choking you. Right as you are about to blackout you hear a loud thump. Kristen has smashed a near by chair over his head.

"Are you okay? Thank you for rescuing me," Kristen says while helping you to your feet.

You and Kristen leave Tyrone bleeding to death on the floor. Kristen gets on her cellphone and calls the police to tell them what happened. The police say a car will be sent as soon as possible.

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