Wait in the lighthouse for Brooke to come to you (Zeke)

From Create Your Own Story

You're not in a hurry. If Brooke stays out there you'll both die, but the difference is that you don't have any particular reason to fear death.

You slip downstairs and conceal yourself in the labyrinth of crates. Brooke has to show up eventually.

It takes a couple of hours for her to figure out that you have no intention of leaving the lighthouse. But she's not stupid. Eventually, you hear a pounding on the lighthouse wall and Brooke's voice.

"Get out here and fight like a man, Zeke! If I have to come in there, you're in big time trouble."

Character: Zeke Davidson
Alive: 2 students
Hours Remaining: 10
Weapons Aquired: Hatchet
Friends: None
Kills: James Hall, Paul Hall, Vanessa Smarth, Peter Earl

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