Very politely, ask Tishia for a meal.... you are kind of hungry

From Create Your Own Story

"Tishia," you whisper, "may I please have some food?"

Tishia smiles. "I'm a bit hungry myself."

She takes you to a garden and begins picking vegetables. You dart into the edge of the forest and strangle a wild boar, then return to Tishia.

"You like... animal flesh?"

"It is what I am used to. Like I said, my mother is an elf, so I have consumed greenery. But I find animal flesh to be more nourishing."

"You speak very well."

"My mother's influence."

You return with her to the cabin. You make a small fire outside and spit the boar over it, turning it every few minutes so it cooks evenly, while Tishia prepares the vegetables.

"It can cook?"

The elf leader is passing by.

You bow politely. "Yes, Your Excellency."

"It has manners, too?"

"I learned them from my mother. She is an elf."

"Your mother must be thanked." The elf leader wanders off.

You skin the boar and cut it into steaks, piling them on a clay platter. Tishia eats a little bit of the meat, leaving most of it for you, while you eat some of the vegetables, leaving most of them for her. You help her store what remains, so you'll both have food for the next couple of days. After you finish, Tishia guides you to the small bed and pushes you down on it. You know what she wants.

Health Horny, mated to Tishia Equipment:

Chainmail Armor

Experience Low
HP 100
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