VRX 9000: Sex Games / WC/IF The Prologue

From Create Your Own Story


VRX 9000: Sex Games

5) The Winter Cabin Series - Internet Friends

The Prologue

A group of friends from back in their college days, some very close and some acquaintances, have been keeping in touch over the internet for a few years after separating. Starting to miss each other one of them puts out the idea that they should all get together again this winter for winter break and relive the golden days. Everyone loves the idea but a few of the more outgoing insist that the group does something fun and new. After a few of the usual ideas get thrown around before the group reluctantly decides on all getting a hotel room and meet up at a theme park for the weekend. No one is really is really satisfied with that plan so one of the members finally suggests the Winter Cabin secretly being into BDSM herself. The others are pretty shocked at the idea and a lot of the members jokingly go all in on it demanding they do that or they are not coming.

Much to everyone's surprise eventually everyone agrees to it one by one and the original friend who suggested it books the place saying this is really happening. Most of the members are pretty nervous about it but in the group chat quite a few admit that they consider most if not all of the other group members attractive. Some light and not so light flirting begins and eventually even the ones with doubts start to have fun with it of texts and even a few pictures and they all decide to meet up for a fun filled week of exploring their sexuality. They of course plan on keeping it all to themselves with a strict no phone policy. Before long the winter break comes and all of the friends reunite once more at the Winter Cabin.

Alyssa Arrives

Arriving first pulling all the way down the long circular driveway at the mansion-like residence in the beautiful California mountain-side. Alyssa slowly gets out with awe watching the light snow fall around her. Taking a moment just to appreciate what a nice place she will be staying at a honk from behind almost makes her cry out as she turns back to see another car pulling in behind her that she didn't notice before. She finds Cameron waving at her with a shit-eating grin knowing full well she startled Alyssa and amused by it. Laughing it off Alyssa goes over to help Cameron out giving her a small hug as the two look around in the snow.

"Damn, it is freezing out here." Cameron complains, her skinny build not doing her any favors out in the snow.

"But isn't is beautiful?" Alyssa teases fully aware that her somewhat thicker proportions help her stay a good bit warmer.

Rolling her eyes Cameron quickly moves forward to open Alyssa's trunk. "Let's hurry up and get our stuff! Jesus lady!" She says visibly shivering making Alyssa laugh before helping get her own stuff and dragging it inside the magnificent grand entry-way and foyer both taking a moment to look around.

"Nice." Is all Cameron says finally before venturing back out for her own stuff. Laughing behind her and taking a few more second to check out the artwork, being a bit of an art geek, Alyssa finally goes back out to help Cameron bring in her stuff as well. The two are friends but used to be somewhat rivals over a guy so mostly just pretend to be friendly. And rib each other constantly. Eventually the two high five claiming the master bedroom all for themselves celebrating their good fortune.

Shoving her last bag into the sizable closet Cameron puts her hands on her hips. "Fuck. I could get used to this. Even if I have to sleep with you." She finishes with a grin taking a look at Alyssa's ridiculously impressive ass bent over shoving her last bags in.

"Checking out my ass again?" Alyssa murmurs from the closet making Cameron just roll her eyes then leave the room to check out the house. "Wait for me!" Alyssa says gasping at being left behind. The two marvel at the beautiful and well furnished and decorated winter cabin before both stopping and staring at the coffee table in the massive living room filled to the brim with sex toys, bondage gear, and restraints. "Fuck me." Alyssa says a little out of character.

"Don't mind if I do." Cameron says snapping out of it first to give Alyssa's ass a good squeeze making her jump and them both laugh. They both walk over to the table with wide eyes taking in all of the items that they may get to use, or items that may be used on them in the coming hours and days.

Cameron Arrives

Holding up an absolutely massive horse cock Alyssa wiggles it at Cameron. "Is this actually possible to fuck? It's huge!" Alyssa says wide eyed and a little bit in awe.

Grinning a bit Cameron slaps Alyssa's ass. "Your fat ass might be able to take it if we lube you up enough!" She says ending with a laugh and an indignant look from Alyssa. "Maybe I'll have to try to find out when we start playing." Cameron says teasing that she might actually do it.

Alarmed Alyssa puts her hands on her hips suddenly serious and turns towards Cameron. "Listen, we are the only two here. We should be making an alliance instead of threatening each other!" She says matter-of-factly making Cameron admit she is right a bit with a nod. "So, what do you say? Team up?" Alyssa says hopefully. She doesn't know anyone here too well so doesn't have that good of chance of starting off with an alliance which could surely only help.

Considering it Cameron glances down at the table and picks up some vibrating eggs. "I'll be your secret ally if you wear these until we start."

"You can't be serious." Alyssa says then pales when Cameron just gives her a level no-nonsense look. "Why can't you wear them?"

"You are the one asking for an alliance." Cameron demands.

Biting her lip a bit nervously Alyssa looks over the vibrating eggs. "Ughhh..... ok." Alyssa says finally giving in. "But I swear to god if you tell anyone or give it away you'll be in trouble!" Alyssa threatens.

Cameron wonders if she could take Alyssa for a moment if it came down to forcing her; Cameron is taller and is in a little better shape, but Alyssa has a bit more muscle and weighs more with a lower center of gravity. Best not to try her Cameron decides. "Of course, our little secret." Cameron finally says then grins walking up to Alyssa. "Now let's get these bad boys on."

The two install the vibrators hiding them on Alyssa finishing up right when the two hear another car pull up finally. Alyssa shifts a little uncomfortably as two are taped against her now-hard nipples hidden under her bra along with another shoved up her ass and the last one shoved up her cunt, both held in by her underwear. As the two head over to the foyer to greet the next player Cameron turns them on an Alyssa gives a small cry with her face turning red as pleasure explodes over all of her most sensitive areas. "You better be a really good ally." Alyssa mutters shifting a bit with a blush.

Hillary Arrives

Walking through the door with all of her stuff in tow at once is Hillary, the beautiful, athletic blonde who gives the two a big excited smile upon seeing them. "Hey you guys!" She says putting her bags down as they walk up and give her a hug, Alyssa giving her a bit of a light one trying not to be too obvious about her current condition. "I can't believe you guys got here first! I was hoping to get the master." She continues glancing over at the bunk bed room. "I guess I can go grab the best spot in there." She says turning towards it and making the best of the situation.

"Actually," Cameron says catching Hillary's shoulder, "I don't mind moving if you want it that bad. Alyssa, why don't you help Hillary with her bags while I move mine over to the bunk bed room?" She says with a small knowing smile slowly turning up the speed on Alyssa's vibrating eggs.

"Mmm....ugh ok sounds good." Alyssa says doing her best to keep a straight face in front of Hillary going back to the entry-way with her to help grab her bags while gasping softly into her hand as the vibrators up her ass and slit hum away sending waves of pleasure over her.

They have to wait a bit as Cameron takes her time moving, deflecting anyone who tries to help her insisting she has it herself. Alyssa and Hillary finally get Hillary's bags moved in with Alyssa's in the master and Cameron gets set up in the best spot in the bunk bed room before Alyssa excuses herself to the bathroom.

"Time to look around I think." Hillary says happily as Cameron offers to give her a tour walking her around.

Meanwhile Alyssa ends up on the toilet with her legs spread rubbing her clit with her panties down as the vibrators hum along inside her covering her mouth with her other hand as pleasure washes over her desperate to cum and extremely horny.

Hillary and Cameron quickly run into the pile of sex toys in the living room and Hillary stops the tour to check them out giving Cameron time to hang back and turn up the vibrators to max hearing a very loud moan from the bathroom when she does smirking. Then, to be a little more cruel she texts Alyssa quickly to tell her not to cum or the deal is off. Cameron hears an annoyed grunt from the bathroom before leading Hillary on to the kitchen and back porch with the luxurious looking hot tub.

Everyone comes back to the main hallway as the doorbell rings.

Kelsey Arrives

Hillary goes and opens the door for Kelsey revealing her out on the porch lightly covered in snow with all of her bags next to her looking as beautiful as ever. "Hey gals!" She says giving Hillary a light hug with a small wave to Cameron and Alyssa who have hung back a bit. Not knowing anyone here that well Kelsey lets Hillary guide her inside and over to the bunk bed room getting helped with her bags. "Wow, what a nice place!" Kelsey says taking a look around finally back in the hallway. "I could get used to this."

"I know right?" Hillary says. "Just wait till you see the living room." Hillary says giving her the tour with Cameron and Alyssa following around staying quiet for the most part.

"Oh. OHHH." Kelsey says wide eyed with a laugh upon seeing the mountain of sex toys and bondage gear. "You were definitely not kidding."

"Nope." Hillary says with a laugh. "Ignore those for now, I'm sure we'll all be well acquainted later. Let me show you the hot tub." Kelsey laughs and agrees and takes the whole tour genuinely impressed with house. As a person who is not used to nice things, Kelsey's appreciation is real.

The tour eventually ends and the four end up in the kitchen with Kelsey opening the fridge with the other three sitting down at the kitchen table. "Hey ladies, they have hot chocolate!" Kelsey exclaims getting a few delighted noises from the others. "Who wants some?" She says and everyone chimes in with agreement.

"Ok I'll make it all but you three each have to tell me who you'd pick to make out with out of the four of us if you had the chance." Kelsey says naughtily looking over her shoulder at the three just sitting at the table.

Kelsey then turns a bit red when all three as if on queue pick her just making everyone laugh. "You can't blame us Kelsey," Alyssa says biting her lip a bit after a few words as the eggs keep vibrating inside her sending constant pleasure, "You are just so beautiful! I need to pick up some tips while we are here."

"God yes." Hillary says with a laugh. "And how do you do your makeup? You are so beautiful!"

"Ok, ok. Well first..." Kelsey says gladly indulging the others in girl talk as she makes everyone hot chocolate.

Dana Arrives

Just as everyone finishes their hot chocolate they hear the door open and a yell from the front door. "Hellloooo is anyone home?" Coming from what must be Dana. Everyone gets up to go greet her, Alyssa trailing a little back not able to walk quite as well as the others getting in a gasp or pleasure or two while some noise is being made. They find the small yet incredibly cute Dana walking through the door with Mindy, the shy but busty blonde coming in right behind her.

"Hello! You two get here at the same time?" Hillary says taking some of Dana's bags while Cameron and Kelsey help out with Mindy's.

"We drove together!" Dana says biting her lip a bit as she eyes Alyssa looking her up and down with a small smirk knowing instantly what is going on there. With just a little bit of watching the rest, Dana finds out pretty quickly Cameron is the one with the remote. "We actually came in on the same flight and you wouldn't believe it but we ended up sitting next to each other without even planning on it!" Dana says still grinning and watching Alyssa for the most part out of the corner of her eyes.

"Yeah that is hard to believe, but I guess anything is possible." Kelsey comments as they move the two into the bunk bed room.

"Thanks you guys!" Mindy says cheerfully. "This place is great. Can I get a tour?" She says being as sweet and reserved as ever.

"Oh course." Hillary says taking her arm and walking her down the main hallway. "Just to warn you there is a giant pile of sex toys in the living room." She says making Mindy go a little red immediately. Mindy is someone who would never have come to the Winter Cabin if it hadn't of been for extreme peer pressure and all of the rest of her friends saying yes. It is saying something that she came at all and they all appreciate it. And that of course has nothing to do with them wanting a chance at her incredibly busty, blonde body.

"I think I want a tour from Alyssa." Dana says going over and taking her hand not letting go. "We have some catching up to do!" She says with a big smile making the others laugh then go to trail after Mindy and Hillary with Cameron giving Dana a knowing look.

Not five seconds into the 'tour' of the office Dana lifts Alyssa's skirt revealing her rather wet pussy and soaked panties. "Happy to see me?" She says with a laugh as Alyssa quickly tries to tug her skirt back down.

Mindy Arrives

Mindy ends up out on the porch looking at the hot tub and gasping over the amazing view of the valley below treading out into the backyard snow to see it before finally coming in. "It is really cold outside!" Mindy says as Kelsey hugs her closely to warm her up.

"And the snow is really coming down." Hillary mentions closing the door for Mindy. "Hope everyone makes it in time. We might get snowed in if it keeps up like this.

Mindy finds a seat in the living room to everyone's surprise and they join her giving small blushes each time they look at all the bondage gear. "I'm so glad I ended up car pooling with Dana, I drive so slowly I'm not sure I would have ever made it in the snow!" She says getting a laugh out of the others.

"I'm sure Dana drives like the little demon she is." Cameron says with a laugh. "You two made it pretty quick."

Mindy picks up a crop and swats it pretending. "Oh I made sure she drove fast." She jokes getting a good laugh at out everyone.

At the same time Dana presses the trembling Alyssa against the office desk and pulls her soaked panties to the side to slowly start rubbing her very delicate and sensitive pussy immediately getting a long, soft moan out of Alyssa. "Cameron playing with you already? Can't believe you let her." Dana prods slowly playing with Alyssa's clit expertly getting moan after gasp from her.

"Stttoooommmmgggghhhh.... ummghhh... oh fuckkkkk!" Alyssa says just on the brink.

"Well?" Dana says with a grin keeping her right there.

"Yesss, yes! We have a deal buttttt... oh fuuuckkkk...... I cannn'ttt cuuuuuOOUUUMMHHHHHHHHHH!!" Alyssa cries out muffling herself with a hand as she cums hard from Dana pushing her over the edge. Alyssa's thick thighs shake violently as she cums hard, Dana helping muffle her cries as she puts a hand to her mouth while watching her beautiful tan cunt cum again and again into her palm, still working it.

Eventually rubbing her palm on Alyssa's thigh Dana finally turns to leave just as there is a knock on the door. "I guess not anymore hmm? I can't wait to play with you more when we start." Dana says with a confident wink then goes to get the door being one of the first to get there. Meanwhile Alyssa tries to recover and finally just takes off the eggs composing herself muttering at being so easily used already trying not to admit how much she enjoyed that just now.

Lena Arrives

"Lena!" Dana says happily hugging the smaller German girl as she walks in with her bags struggling a bit giving Dana a knowing smile.

"Dana!" She says not as enthusiastically. "Causing trouble already are we?" Lena says just smirking when Dana gives her most innocent expression reaching over to take some of Lena's bags. A moment later Alyssa emerges from the office and Lena immediately knows laughing a bit. "Looks like I'm right. Nice to see you Alyssa." Lena says as the two avoid hugging having a little bit of bad blood between the two carried over from the old days.

"Lena." Alyssa says smoothing out her skirt. "Let me help you with your bags." Alyssa says politely before the two help get Lena set up in the bunk bed room.

Lena nods a few times when looking around approving but shivering slightly so the two lead her to the living room and kitchen area when Alyssa mentions hot chocolate in the kitchen. Lena waves at everyone sitting on the couches but immediately turns away from the kitchen upon seeing the massive pile of sex toys and bondage gear. "Oh, this looks like fun. So naughty." She says leaning over the couch showing off her cleavage a bit always a flirt.

"I know, right?" Mindy says surprising everyone once more. Perhaps the innocent shy Mindy isn't quite as innocent as she used to be.

Lena asks Alyssa and Dana to please get some hot chocolate which Dana agrees to, Alyssa rolling her eyes and following as Cameron quickly gets up to join the two in the kitchen. Taking a seat herself next to Kelsey and stretching Lena looks around. "So, really? We are all here for a giant bondage sex game and have literally giant dicks in front of us and we are just sitting around talking?"

"What do you suggest?" Hillary says.

Before Lena can respond the doorbell rings then opens as everyone hears the voices of the next two dragging their bags in.

Amanda Arrives

"Don't mind us, we got it!" Amanda yells from the front door accompanied by Melissa.

"But we want hot chocolate! I was told about hot chocolate!" Melissa yells getting some laughs from the living room and kitchen with a few yells of 'hey' from that direction. The two don't care much for the fancy cabin just giving each other a nod of appreciation before finding the last of the room in the bunk bed room. "Looks like we barely made it in time. If we let someone else beat us we'd be stuck in the closet in the foyer." Melissa says taking a glance at Amanda's fantastically athletic ass.

Amanda just smirks giving a nod in agreement also taking the chance to check out Melissa's impressive cleavage and plunging neckline meant to show it off. The two just laugh for a moment before getting a bit more unpacked perfectly fine with getting checked out and openly checking out the other in return.

In the kitchen Dana and Alyssa make hot chocolate for everyone that wants it with Cameron joining them and finding out Alyssa no longer is wearing the eggs. "So the deal is off huh?" Cameron says jokingly lifting Alyssa's skirt to grab her ass.

"I knew it!" Dana says lifting the other side of Alyssa's skirt when Alyssa slaps Cameron's hand away to press and rub against her cunt through her panties.

"Dana saw to that." Alyssa says annoyed shoving her skirt back down and giving them both a no-nonsense look that makes them both back up with a laugh. "Hot. Chocolate." Alyssa says assertively and the two share a shunned look before helping Alyssa knowing when to back off but both knowing they wouldn't mind getting their hands on her during the game.

Meanwhile Amanda and Melissa show up and Melissa joins them in the kitchen to grab some the hot chocolate fresh before everyone ends up in the living room scattered along the couches with Alyssa noticeably not sitting next to Cameron or Dana.

Melissa Arrives

"Ugh this is so perfect!" Melissa exclaims after pulling a blanket over her and taking a sip of her hot chocolate. "Freezing outside, but inside with hot chocolate, good friends, and a mountain of sex toys. What more could a girl ask for?" She says innocently getting a bunch of laughs from everyone. A few conversations start up with everyone catching up and enjoying each other's company before Lena makes a noise getting everyone's attention.

Putting her hot chocolate to the side Lena looks around waiting for everyone's attention. "So like I was saying before, are we really going to just sit around and talk in a house filled with sex toys? Surely we can do better."

"And once again, what do you suggest?" Kelsey says with a giggle.

Lena gives her a smile before thinking about it for a moment. "Ok, I got one. A make-out game to get things rolling. Light, but sexy. Everyone game?" She says getting a bunch of nods and hoots of approval while other squirm nervously. "Ok, first pair..." Lena starts after everyone agrees. "Everyone text me the top three people you'd like to make out with that are currently here. Whoever the top two are have to make-out in front of all of us."

"Oh that sounds like fun." Dana comments saying what everyone is thinking as everyone gets out their phone.

Lena pulls up her phone with a grin. "The first pair is in! Melissa and Kelsey, please go sit next to each other." She says looking at the two very beautiful women not even slightly surprised.

"Not even a little surprised." Alyssa comments as Melissa gets up from next to her the two changing loving looks as Melissa sits down next to Kelsey.

"I can't wait." Melissa practically purrs making Kelsey laugh.

"Most of you probably don't know this but this is not the first time we've made out." Kelsey says dropping a bomb on the room getting everyone excited.

"When?" "Where?" "You didn't tell us!?" Everyone responds, to which Kelsey laughs and tells them about a college party long ago when they were trying to impress some guys. Lena starts to figure out the next pair when the door opens.

Kinsey Arrives

"I made it!" Kinsey says exasperated from the front door covered in snow and dragging in her bags. "It is really snowing out there! I barely made it!" She says as a few get up to go greet her, first-most her best friends Mindy.

"Kinsey!" Mindy says sweetly and the two share a close hug before Mindy takes her bags. "So glad you made it!"

"I know right?" Kinsey says giving Alyssa a hug. "Hopefully Leslie and Rebecca are close behind me, they were both on the same flight and were checking out rental cars at the same time as me."

"Good!" Alyssa says ready for this thing to start. "We are out of closet space in the bedrooms so you'll have to put your stuff in the closets here in the entry-way but there is tons of room. You might even prefer it." Alyssa says guiding her over. "Oh, and we have hot chocolate if you want some!" Alyssa says laughing and giving Kinsey another warm hug which Kinsey appreciates after taking off her jacket and putting it up.

"Now that sounds like a plan. Did I miss anything? I hear there is a mountain of sex toys." Kinsey says a little nervously despite being one of the first to agree. Everyone was surprised but at the same time it is common for some of the most nerdy to be into things like bondage.

Mindy finishes getting Kinsey settled in then leads her to the living room. "Lena is pairing us all up to make out since talking is apparently too boring." She says getting a laugh out of Kinsey.

"Ok, this is going to be some week." Kinsey admits as they arrive in the living room, Kinsey's eyes going wide at the pile of bondage gear and sex toys and the barrage of welcomes from the rest. Amanda and Cameron are paired up by now and Lena is about to pair up the rest.

"Good, sit down. We have an even number now." Lena says offering them playing cards as they come in getting everyone to reveal. "Ok, next are Hillary and Dana." Lena announces pairing up six of the ten. "Then I think I speak for everyone when we want to see Kinsey and Mindy make out since they are such good friends." She says getting a few laughs and some blushes but no arguments from Kinsey and Mindy who have already sat down together. "That leaves myself and Alyssa. Let the..." Lena starts before the door opens again making her roll her eyes.

Leslie Arrives

Leslie pushes in the door breathing heavily from lugging in all of her heavy luggage being by far the smallest woman here despite being rather fit. "Don't start without me!" She yells from the door looking around and not seeing anybody.

"Too late!" Lena yells from the living room. "Come join us when you are ready, we are all too busy making out!" Lena says getting some laughs. "Everyone start!" She yells getting giggles and a bunch of movement on some couches around the corner.

Sighing Leslie ventures into both the master bedroom and the bunk bed room but upon finding them full sighs again and puts her stuff up in the entry-way closet which she admits is nice enough. She gives herself a small tour checking out the office and even the basement spotting the side hallways before finally walking into the living room and just standing there shocking at all of her friends busy making out while surrounding a giant pile of sex toys and bondage gear. "Oooooookkkaaaayyyy." Leslie says slowly just stunned looking around as a few people look up and give her small waves before making out some more.

Kinsey is on her back on one of the couches with Mindy on top of her, Kinsey squeezing her thick ass while the two make out slowly but passionately with Mindy slowly sliding her hand up Kinsey's shirt. Leslie blushes a bit and turns to Kelsey half laid back into one of the couches with Melissa straddling her, the two making out passionately and deeply too lost in the kiss to even look up, their beautiful bodies pressed tightly and grinding softly against each other. "Wow." Leslie mutters, the sight ridiculously sexy as the two might be the two best looking out of the group.

She keeps looking around to find Dana laid over Hillary's lap with Hillary openly pressing her hand against Dana's cunt through her tight jeans playing with her while bent over and lifting her head to make out with her kiss after soft kiss making Dana of all people blush. The two spot Leslie watching and Hillary just gives a confident smile and Dana gives her a wink.

Next to them Cameron is straddling Amanda with her tight pants tugged down enough to show her ass which Amanda is squeezing while gripping Cameron's hair while the two make out pressing their impressive tits into each other.

Lastly Alyssa has Lena pinned against the living room wall with Lena holding her to herself with a very solid grip of Alyssa's amazing ass, with one of Alyssa's own hands pressed up under Lena's outfit to squeeze one of her full breasts. The two both seem to be making a bit of a competition out of the kiss, a bit of fire in both of their eyes that almost seems to be glares.

"Ok I'm just going to go get some hot chocolate then." Leslie says rolling her eyes before sauntering off to the kitchen.

Rebecca Arrives

Eventually everyone finishes up and gives Leslie a proper greeting each and every one of them pressing Leslie against something and making out with her a few seconds for missing out on the make out session which everyone deemed very sexy and very needed before they dive into some more serious stuff. Everyone seems opened up and Leslie just blushes tasting lip after soft, beautiful lip until she is quite red as the doorbell rings for the last time today.

Leslie manage to escape with Melissa then as they go over and help Rebecca, the last to arrive, enter.

"Oh thank god." Rebecca says shivering quite a bit. "The snow is coming down hard I thought I was going to get stuck! I think it is safe to say we are all snowed in." She announces making everyone grin a bit knowing that it means the will be on for earnest with no turning back.

"Let's get you situated." Melissa says helping Rebecca grab her bags obviously checking out Rebecca's impressive tits for her small frame. "Then I think you and Leslie have to make out for everyone to be even. Unless you want to make out with everyone like Leslie did." Melissa says making both Leslie and Rebecca blush a bit finally getting Rebecca situated.

Leslie tries to get out of it but Rebecca just shrugs and looks to Leslie. "I guess we might as well get it over with. I imagine a warm up is probably a good idea." She says practically then steps up to Leslie and runs her hands around her. Leslie looks up blushing as her chin is raised and the two kiss softly and slowly leaning against the closet door a bit closing their eyes both getting turned on quickly.

Melissa doesn't let the private show go to waste and presses against the two grabbing both of their small, yet very shapely asses before turning them one after another into her own lips as the three make out while a while all getting rather hot and bothered.

Eventually everyone starts yelling for them to join them and the three, red-faced, finally give Leslie and Rebecca the full house tour among giving everyone hugs in greeting. Everyone that didn't get hot chocolate gets some and those that haven't seen the whole house do so. Eventually an hour passes and Lena turns on the board game. "I think it is time to begin. Everyone change!" She says commandingly.

Scattering to the various rooms for privacy everyone digs into their luggage and gets dressed into skimpy bikinis which everyone agreed on would be the starting outfits for the battle royale section. Eventually everyone assembles on the couches and Lena starts the game with the advanced AI delegating who sits where. Let the games begin!

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