VRX 9000: Sex Games / Try to control yourself until she returns (1)

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


You decide you better just stay put like before and keep your wits about you. Escaping doesn't sound like a good idea quite yet. You are unarmored and in a terrible position and you are not even sure you could force your way out of both the restraints and the cage at the same time. Even if you could, you are still weak and Zuna is only in the next room. If you ran for it she would just simply call the guards and you'd be in the same situation as before but without armor or weapons and you imagine that they'd do worse than but some whorish clothing on you next time. So instead you decide that you will fight and resist Zuna's ploys the best you can. You'll do as she says for now, bide your time, but you will never be broken. And right now that means resisting the effects of this arousal cream. She wants you horny, and you are, but you know you can fight it. You are no whore!

Concentrating on anything is turns out to be hard. With Zuna fingering you and playing with you while she rubbed the cream on she really managed to turn you on. You bite your lip and try to look around the room for something, anything, to help you fight the urge to fuck. There is nothing. Cages, sex toys, the whole room seems to be designed for sex slaves. The only other items are bedroom and living room furniture which don't hold your interest long enough. You find yourself letting out a small gasp of pleasure, shifting and trembling slightly in the restraints. Fuck! It isn't working! You are all to aware of your pulsing pussy and erect nipples. And you can't fucking turn your head to focus on anything to take your mind away. Before long you find it starting to get worse and worse instead of better, you are breathing heavily and you find yourself trying to rub yourself against the back bars unsuccessfully.

You then start to give small moans just thinking about sex and eventually start straining hard against the restraints just trying to touch yourself against something, anything. You are not sure how long it takes to drive you crazy with lust but it seems just as you seem to be unable to stand it anymore Zuna finally emerges out of the wooden door and looks you over with a grin. You can't tell how long she has been in there. Was it just a few minutes? Was it a few hours? You can't tell, you've lost track of time. All you can do is look at her as she approaches your cage and giggles like a little girl at your condition. "Miss me while I was gone fighter? I see my cream has done a better job than usual."

You just grind your teeth and try to look past her but you have no choice with the neck brace. "Please..." You mutter, desperate now but still too prideful to say it.

"Please what, fighter?" Zuna purrs, sliding against the bars behind you reaching through to squeeze your very sensitive breasts making you give a loud moan absolutely trembling with pleasure with such a small thing.

You growl slightly but then it turns to despair. You want to cum! "Fuck me! PLEASE!" You cry out, trembling in your restraints.

"Oh, I see. But we can do so much more." Zuna purrs then walks off leaving your breasts alone to grab a few items. Before you know it she is dragging a stool into the cage with a pile of items on top of it. "I think I'm going to have some fun with you. You seem too unused to pleasure to withstand it." She purrs. She then pulls out two strange looking devices that she calls bulb-vibrators. Long metallic things with a strange bulb on the end which she turns on and starts to vibrate violently.

"What the fuck are those? Just let me cum!" You cry out, anger in your voice as you try to stare her down.

Giggling, Zuna simply steps forward to you and smirks. "All in due time fighter." And then she reaches forward to press the bulbs on the strange machines against your nipples and you instantly scream, eyes flying up into your head in pleasure as it stimulates your nipples beyond belief with their vibrations. You give a loud moan and instantly start to shake and tremble and pull on your restraints.

"FUCK!" You scream, pleasure flooding through your craving body. It feels so good you can hardly stand it. But it isn't enough, just inching you just on the edge of an orgasm. "PLEASE!"

"Oh, I thought you'd like that? Your big firm sensitive tits." She then giggles and presses your nipples in with the devices making the vibrations all the worse making you wail and moan again. Then, putting one down, Zuna takes some duct tape and puts an X across your breast and the machine taping the vibrating bit against your nipple firmly before using some more tape to make sure it stays there while vibrating. She then does the same thing with your other breast and all you can do is look forward and moan and grind your teeth trying not to scream, tears welling up in your eyes. It is too much! God you want to cum so badly! But your begging is unheard and Zuna simply walks up to you and presses against you, running her hands down to your ass to squeeze your ass cheeks and pull them apart making you moan, manipulating the area around your pussy. "Oh, you are so wet. All I'd have to do is touch you just a little and you'd be done."

Your eyes roll up as you beg again, her fingers so close to your aching pussy, maneuvering your ass around and around and squeezing it over and over. Finally Zuna moves her head up next to yours, kissing along your cheek for a moment before looking at you with lips inches away from each other. She giggles at the desperation in your eyes then walk away and picks up a strange looking belt from her pile. "Ok, fighter. Here is how it is going to be. You are going to do absolutely everything I say or I am going to put this on you. Do you know what this is?"

You can hardly pay enough attention to see that it is some kind of belt. "No!" You shout, moaning softly as the bulb vibrators hum away against your nipples and tits.

Zuna grins. "This is a chastity belt. If I put it on you, you won't be able to take it off. More importantly, nothing would be able to touch you well enough through it to get you off. Do you understand?" Your eyes go wide as the realization of such a thing dawns on you and the horror is plain on your face. You are speechless, just staring at the horrid belt with dread. She wouldn't put that on you. She wouldn't! "Now that I see you understand, here is your first order fighter. You must call me mistress, at all times. Understand?" As she says that she puts down the chastity belt and walks up to you, drawing circles with her long slender fingers along your inner thighs teasing you and making you tremble.

"Yes, yes mistress!" You struggle to get out. Surely she'll touch you. Surely she'll touch you now.

"Good girl." Zuna purrs in return, stepping closer to suddenly take your cheek with her hand and kiss you. You blush, moaning into her lips as your tongues touch then gasp again as her hands come up to start squeezing and tugging on your breasts this way and that while the vibrators hum away again them. You can't stand it, a tear sliding down your cheek as you run your tongue vigorously against hers between moans, the manipulation of your breasts just too much. Then, you feel it. Contact. Zuna slides her leg between yours pressing her thigh against your pussy. You feel her lips turn into a smirk as you tremble from such a little touch and she breaks the kiss for just a moment to whisper in your ear. "Grind against it, pet."

Zuna then gives your breasts a massive squeeze raising them up and together before pressing her thigh against your pussy hard and running her tongue back between your lips. You don't need to be asked twice and instantly thrust your hips against her thigh moaning as you finally get the touch you desperately needed. You moan and thrust and tremble and you blush deeply at the humiliation of grinding yourself against her thigh just to cum. But as your breasts are manipulated beyond belief you forget your pride and grind until you scream and have a massive orgasm cumming all over Zuna's thigh. You don't stop grinding until you are panting, another tear sliding down your other cheek in relief. It isn't until then that Zuna pulls away, smirking at you. "Very good pet."

You breath heavily, gasping, your body spent. With all the things that have happened to you, your body just can't take any more. A blush spreads as you realize what you just did, your pride fading. No! You can't let her break your will! Then this was all for nothing! Zuna doesn't let you recover however, untaping one of the bulb vibrators to slide down between your legs and make you scream in pleasure. "OH FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!!!!" You scream, eyes wides as you try to pull away from the vibrations exploding over the most sensitive part of your body.

Zuna just stands backs and watches, forcing the vibrator tightly between your legs and hard pressed against your pussy. "Don't cum slut." She commands.

Your eyes find her and horror fills you. Don't cum? No! Please! You start to tremble violently, moaning loudly again and shaking violently against your restraints. "PLEASE! PLEASE LET ME CUM! PLEASE!" You beg, tears starting to reemerge in your eyes. You can't stand it, your pussy is too sensitive and you want it too badly. It doesn't matter that you just had an orgasm, you want another. You body is tearing itself apart in pleasure. It is driving you mad holding it in now that you are where you want to be.

Zuna just giggles and steps forward to squeeze and play with the your breast that is missing the vibrator making you start to sob. "Please..." The pleasure is built up so much you can't stand it.

Raising her eyebrow, Zuna just looks over you with a small frown. "You haven't said mistress once pet. I am disappointed." With that she forces the vibrator fully against your aching clit and it is too much. Your eyes roll back into your head and you scream, having the biggest orgasm of your life. You cum everywhere, squirting all over the cage trembling tremendously against your restraints before finally coming down with a sob, tears sliding down your cheeks as you fall slack in your restraints, the pleasure of such a powerful orgasm taking all the energy from you.

You watch weakly as Zuna puts down the vibrator then goes to untape the other one from your breast. She then lubes up her hands in arousal cream again, a different brand you can tell, then walks up to you. "Please no mistress..." you whisper, hardly able to speak. Zuna ignores you and starts to lather your tits with the cream again. You start to struggle, to pull away from her hands sobbing knowing what it'll do to you again but you can't escape and before long you find yourself breathing hard with lust, nipples erect and glistening again. When Zuna finds your pussy you moan like a whore, Zuna filling you with the cream after getting the rest of your body. You just tremble uncontrollably, drooling slightly between moaning wanting to cum desperately, but yet you know your body can't stand to cum so hard again. It would hurt.

Finally done lathering you up Zuna finally grabs the chastity belt and you try to shake your head and plead. "No mistress. PLEASE! I'll BE GOOD MISTRESS PLEASE!"

Zuna stops inches from you, frowning. "A slave should be punished when she disobeyed. Not only did you not call me mistress but you cummed after I told you not to." Your eyes lower and you start to sob, horrified. You won't be able to take it if she doesn't let you cum after arousing you this much. "But." Zuna says, smirking slightly looking over you. "What are you going to do to make it up to me pet?" Your eyes open wide in hope. She is giving you a chance to escape the belt!


What do you do?


Current Status: 85% - Normal, Poisoned, Restrained

Current Items: None.

Current Alignment: (11/20) - Neutral

Main Quest: Find the Heirloom

Side Quests: None


Surge of Strength: x3

Intimidation: x1

Heart of Steel: x2

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