VRX 9000: Sex Games / The Monster Den - Setup

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Monster Den: Capture and Survival



The world of Eamon is a dangerous place with many foul and dangerous monsters lurking in the woods. You are traveling through the woods with a small trade caravan when you are ambushed by a large tribe of ferocious orcs. The orcs brutally slaughter all of the men, but capture and restrain all of the women. They intend to take them all back to their lair for what will likely be a gruesome fate. You are one of the women taken by the orcs and while you get carried off kicking and screaming, in the end they are too powerful and there is nothing you can do.

You get knocked out at some point on your way through the forest and you wake up who knows how much longer in a strange and cruel looking place.


What do you choose?

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