Unicorn and the Raven/Insist that you don't know what happened

From Create Your Own Story

"I'm sorry, I don't know," you say, hoping she'll believe you. "I found myself in the forest, lying on the ground under a tree. I had no idea who I was or how I got there, and I still don't. I remember a raven and a unicorn, and then I found myself standing here."

She seems to be considering her story. You don't think she believes you, but she decides not to press the matter for now.

"I suppose it doesn't matter," she says at last. "You're the least of my worries."

She stares at you for a moment longer, then her features seem to sag almost imperceptably back into the chair. "Well, you're here with us now."

There's an awkward silence. Then she indicates the man who'd been standing by the table. He'd sheathed his sword by now and was standing next to the chair occupied by the strange woman. "This is captain Jensen," she said. "Do what he says and don't touch anything."

The man takes you by the arm and leads you to the front of the room, in front of the window. The table that you'd seen him leaning over earlier turns out to be a map table, now mostly covered in red dots and lines. You aren't familiar with topographics, but this map seems to be both flat and three dimensional at the same time. You reach out to touch the strange map, and he grabs your hand. His grip is hard and cold and you wince as he squeezes your wrist.

"Touch NOTHING!" he hisses at you, glancing towards the woman in the chair.

Eventually he releases your wrist.

"I'm sorry," he says to you, when its obvious she isn't going to add anything. "This isn't a normal map. It doesn't just represent the terrain outside, it is the terrain outside as well, and right now outside is very dangerous. He indicates the window.

From just in front of it you can see in the flashes of light that it isn't just a few towers outside, but a huge complex of towers and walls and buildings. This place is a fortress, and you seem to be near the top of one of the tallest towers. Each of the other towers seems to be topped with a strange looking weapon platform. Many are dark and swarming with the creatures, but some towers are still shooting bolts of what looks like blue and white and sometimes red flame outwards. In the flashes of light you can see people on around the strange looking weapons, fighting with the creatures, trying to keep them from overrunning the tops of the towers. On the top of one tower, off to your left, you suddenly notice what looks like little blue fireflies dancing around. It looks almost pretty, the little points of light dancing in the dark.

Jensen notices it too.

"Ma'am?" he says uncertainly. "You might want to take a look at tower six..." his voice tapers off.

Suddenly, the woman is right there, injured shoulder or not. She's standing by Jensen, staring out at the little dancing lights with a look of horror on her face.

"Hudson!" she snaps, her voice not tired at all anymore but harsh and sharp. "Get me tower six, now! Tell them-"

The rest of her words are swallowed up by a silence. It's strange, because you can still see her lips move but you can't hear her words, and then there's the brightest electric blue light you've ever seen. You look back, out the window just in time to see an orb of light where the tower with the blue fireflies had been. It's not like a real light but a solid glowing sphere that slowly fades into black and is gone. In its wake, in the flashes of light from the few other towers that were still firing you see a huge crater, as perfectly spherical as if someone had taken a giant ice cream scoop to the fortress, exposing halls and rooms and passages. The top of another tower is gone as well, and also half the side of a third.

"They used the anti-shadow bolts as spears," she said quietly, and apparently to herself. "one of them must have detonated and taken the rest with them..."

"Hudson," she says again, more quietly this time. "Get major Piper if you can for me. Tell her what happened if she didn't already know and make sure she passes the word along to anyone left. If the tower's armory had detonated instead of... whatever happened, we'd all be dead."

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