UDX: BE111: Invite me to this party and help me into the other girls' pants

From Create Your Own Story

~Butterfly Effect #172: Your actions have just changed the story~

Sam: I want to keep my clothes, so I will help you get into the party.

Bus Driver: And into their pants. By force if we have to.

Sam: Whatever you want. Let me put on a different set of clothes first though, you ruined what I was wearing.

The bus driver lets go of your pussy and you look through your backpack. That's when you see your rape whistle. You now have a choice.

UDX: BE172: Blow the whistle and call for help

UDX: BE172: Hand the whistle over to the bus driver in case he needs it for some reason

UDX: BE172: Plan on blowing the rape whistle later

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