Try to sober up at the 24-hour waffle place down the road

From Create Your Own Story

The room seems to sway around you as you make your way to the door, but you manage to not only get through the door, you manage to get out of the hotel and stumble down the sidewalk to the waffle place that you and Zoe passed on your way in.

Inside, two truckers are chatting while devouring huge stacks of waffles. They don't seem to notice you as you flop down into the booth across from them.

A thirty-something black waitress with her hair up in a tight bun saunters over to you.

"Hey there," she says. "You've been partying hard."

"I guess," you say.

"Looks like you left your shoes behind at the ball, Cinderella," she says.

You glance down at your feet. You left your shoes back at the hotel. At least you kept your gray-sequined party dress on.

"Want some coffee and waffles to help you sober up?" the waitress asks kindly. "Or would you rather have a menu and pick something else?"

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