Try to open the heavy stone door

From Create Your Own Story

You examine the heavy stone door carefully. It doesn't appear to have any latch or handle. You then begin inspecting the wall near the archway. It is not long before you find it. A small, barely visible circle, the size of a gold coin, traced into the stone. You press on it. There is a rumbling noise and the door begins sliding upward, revealing the entrance to a great cavern with an inky black abyss. A stone bridge, lit by the now familiar green glow, crosses over the abyss.

You peer inside, looking all around, then check behind you. All far as you can tell. You step through the open doorway and begin making your way cautiously towards the bridge.

Your trained ears detect the faintest of sounds behind you. Whirling around, you see with alarm that the heavy stone door is sliding downward, and is already almost back in place!

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