This is all too much trouble, just shoot her and dump her in the trash.

From Create Your Own Story

You sigh and hold your head, this is all too annoying. You decide you don't really have time to babysit a kidnapped televangelist heiress no matter how hot she is. You go to your purse and pull out your little pursegun, loaded with untraceable bullets thanks to the Cults weaponeers. You hear some choking coughing noises behind you, apparently she woke up. Damn.

You go back over to her and stick the gun up inside of her gagged mouth, she tries to scream with big eyes. You sigh, it's such a pity, so hot and sacrificing a televangelist's daughter to summon Satan was such sweet irony. Oh well. You pull the trigger and her brains blast out. To your surprise a lot of it comes back up at you, splattering you with a fine mist of blood. You curse, now you have to burn this tank top...and you really liked it! You get to work and heft her body into the nearest dumpster, closing the lid and checking for any remaining loose threads before calling up a Cult driven ride home. You fall asleep in the car and barely manage to drag yourself up stairs to your soft comfy bed for exhausted sleep...

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