The Unicorn and the Raven/Look behind you for a way out

From Create Your Own Story

You don't know where you are or what's going on but you're starting to get scared. One thing you do know is that you don't want to be here.

Looking to your right, you discover that not everyone is staring at the nightmare going on outside. There's somebody else that you didn't see before sitting at a board built into the back wall of the room, and he's looking right at you. Though he's wearing the same uniform as everybody else, he's also wearing what looks suspiciously like an old set of radio operator's headphones.

He doesn't seem to be alarmed or particularly worried by your presence, and perhaps given what's happening outside you just don't matter all that much.

He nonchalantly leans back and turns towards the chair in the center of the room, the one who's occupant you can't clearly see.

"We've got a visitor, boss," he says. "One of yours?"

"No, Hudson, not my doing," comes the reply, a female voice nearly indistinct with sorrow and fatigue. "This is something else."

The chair in the center of the room turns and you see the occupant for the first time. Its hard to tell in this dim, red light but under the blood and grime and dissheveled hair she's still pretty. Her face is pale, though, even in this light, and although none of that makes it into her voice its clear from the way she holds her shoulder and the gashes in the fabric of her uniform that covers it its clear she's in pain. She also seems more real, in some indefinable way, than anybody else in the room.

The chair finishes its revolution and she looks straight at you. You don't like her eyes; its clear that she's gone without sleep for a long time and the whatever sorry is in her voice you can also see in her face, but there's a dark anger in her eyes as well, and you suddenly find yourself wondering if maybe you'd be better off outside with the nightmare creatures.

"Who are you," she asks, her voice suddenly calm and even as if she'd put on a mask and become someone else, "and how did you find your way into my world?"

"I don't know," you reply, knowing how ridiculous your answer sounds.

She studies you a moment, then her eyes soften just tiny bit.

"I believe you," she says. "And for your sake, I'm sorry. If you knew how you'd got here, you might be able to get back out. Now you'll probably die with us."

"I... came through a tree," You say. "I woke up in a forest of strange trees and there was a raven and a unicorn. The bark of the big tree where I woke up was strange and it didn't seem real so I closed my eyes and walked through it. And... I was here. That's all I know. I don't know where I was or am or even who I am!"

She continues to stare at you in silence for a long time, and you realize she isn't staring at you but at the wall behind you.

"Show me," she said at last, "exactly where you were standing when you... realized you were here."

Do you:

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