Thank Vickie for walking you home, kiss her and say good-bye... for now

From Create Your Own Story

"Thank you for keeping me company," you tell Vickie. "I had a marvelous time. And thanks for walking me back."

"I enjoyed myself too," Vickie grins. She moves her head in and gives you a deep kiss. You respond in kind.

"See you later," you tell Vickie.

"I'll walk you to school tomorrow," she informs you. She kisses you again and holds you tightly in her arms. "I really like being with you."

Her voice drops to a whisper as she puts her lips right up against your ear. "And in you."

"Sounds good," you tell her.

"And being that tomorrow is Friday, you can then spend all weekend with me after school lets out."

"You really like him, huh?" Jessica giggles.

Vickie grins. "That I do. Are we spending the weekend here or at my place?"

You are possessing:
12th Grade Boy
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