Thank Vickie for the good time and return home

From Create Your Own Story

"I'd better get back," you tell Vickie. "I'll be expected home soon. Thank you for a wonderful early afternoon."

Vickie snuggles her body tightly against yours. "I'll walk you home."

20 minutes later, you're home, having had a pleasant chat with Vickie en route. Your sister Valerie pulls open the door. You make the relevant introductions.

"Brandon is a sweetheart," Vickie grins, stepping inside with you.

To her credit, Vickie does allow you time to study. But as soon as your books get put away, she lifts you into the air, carries you to the bed, and starts clawing at your clothes. You hastily remove them before she can destroy them. She shucks her own and pins you to your bed, climbing on top of you and planting her lips on yours. She forces open your mouth and jams her tongue halfway down your throat.

You are possessing:
12th Grade Boy
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