Take Xuan to the ice-cream parlor like you had planned originally

From Create Your Own Story

You slowly stroll towards the ice-cream parlor, chatting pleasantly. When you arrive, the chubby brunette high-school girl behind the counter looks at you. "What would you like today, girls?"

"One banana split, please, and two spoons," you tell her as you pay.

You and Xuan leisurely consume the ice cream. You take her free hand in yours. "Daisy," Xuan inquires in a soft voice, "do you want to be... friends? Or... more?"

"I don't want to pressure you," you tell her. "But I like you a lot and would love to be your... partner."

Xuan blushes. "Um... I... have never, uh..."

"Oh, we don't need to rush that part," you tell her. "If you're willing, I certainly would like to, but there's no hurry."

You finish up and rise from your seats. The chubby counter girl is beaming at you. "It's just lovely to see two girls who like each other so much," she purrs. "By the way, I'm Barbara Hollins."

"I'm Daisy Valentine, and this is Tran Le Xuan," you reply.

"My shift ends in 10 minutes," Barbara says softly. "Perhaps you two would like to come home with me afterwards?" She licks her lips and runs her eyes over your body and Xuan's.

You are possessing:
Sporty Blonde Girl
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