Suck it up and go inside the house.

From Create Your Own Story

Sighing you push yourself away from the porch and turn to face the house door, already a wave of dread pushed over your body, locking you eyes with the brass knob you take a deep breath. Moving forward you press your hand to the door, twisting and pull you open the door as a wave of sound is the first thing to greet you, as if your body its self is going to liquid you have to cup your hands over your ears as you slam the door behind you. Looking around the living room you can already see the piles of trash and paper crumpled up on the floor.

"God damnit, not even a few hours and this place as gone to hell." You think too yourself at this point there would be need to talk you might not even hear your own words.

Seeing the music player on the high shelf you take a great stride across the room and slam the button which turns the sound off, quickly the normal sound of a sane house fill your ears. The moment of sweet silence lasts only but a few second until you hear a wailing cry of anger coming closer as you spin around too see your younger sister Rosa, her face flushed with anger as she clinched onto her phone.

"Just what the hell do you think you are doing?" Rose yells at you. Kids now adays... if it was years ago she would get a slap... well if your parents are indeed gone you are in charge.

Do you:

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