SttMF/Is it Over?

From Create Your Own Story

You slowly open your eyes and find yourself laying on the floor.

The floor of your bathroom.

You can feel cool water spraying down on your legs from the shower and the shower curtain has been pulled down all over you. With your head aching, it isn't too hard for you to piece together what happened. You must have been showering when you slipped and hit your head on the floor, knocking yourself out.

You scoot away from the pouring water and peel the curtain off your body, then push the curtain aside. You don't remember getting into the shower this morning but what you experienced while you were unconscious is so clear and fresh within your mind, you may just be merging the two memories together.


You barely hear the noise coming from the entrance to your apartment. Someone is at the door.



Status (Female)
Health 100% <> Possessions <>
Condition Fine -
Date Sat 1/06
Time  ?
Location Your Home/The Bathroom
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