Steve 'Backflip' Legras

From Create Your Own Story

Steve is a competent line-cook and an ex-marine. He's a bit of a douchebag and has no tolerance for stereotyping punk rockers, but you can bet he's got a better shot than most when it comes to surviving the zombie apocalypse.

Full name: Stephen Joseph Legras

Mother's maiden name: Lebouef

Age: 27

Hair color: Dark brown

Eye color: Brown

Address: 56 Junkie Road, Apt. 287, Hoboken, New Jersey

Occupation: Line-cook

Aliases: Backflip

Height: 5 feet, 8 inches

Weight: 217 pounds

Disposition: Douchey

Useful skills: Marksmanship, ninja tricks, Left 4 Dead 2, cooking

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