Stay where you are, you don't want to risk it

From Create Your Own Story

Even if you wanted to get up and see who it is, the amount of sperm in your womb has made you look several months pregnant, making it difficult to impossible to move without redecorating the cave with cum. So you decide to just lie there, covering yourself with blankets, as you pray for Jereth's and everyone else's safety.

An hour passes before Jereth comes back in, accompanied by another wolf wearing a nice grey suit. You know he's the one from the city, and you begin to sweat nervously.

"Here, this is my mate." Jereth says, as he removes your blankets, revealing your bloated stomach, but keeps your cum soaked legs covered. "As you can see, she's very pregnant. She's been resting all day, and we expect our first in a few weeks, so that's why she couldn't come out for your inspection, commissioner."

You look up at the commissioner, and force a smile. He still looks distrusting, however, and kneels down next to you. You know this wolf holds you life in his hand, and if he realizes who you are, it's over. He leans in close to your face and takes a deep sniff.

"Hm... well, she does smell like you, Jereth, and nothing like the slave I was told about. It's clear you've been together for some time now." the commissioner says. "But I'm not entirely convinced. Why haven't I heard of her until now?"

Jereth laughs. "Well, I wanted it to be a surprise. You've been wondering when I would get a mate for forever, and now that I have one, I wanted it to be special, you know. I mean, how shocking would it have been to see me and my mate, on your annual inspection, cradling a newborn baby?"

The inspector chuckles. "Quite. I see your point. Guess I ruined the surprise, didn't I?"

Jereth pats him on the shoulder and smiles. "That's all right, commissioner, a lost slave is nothing to take for granted, and you were only doing your job. I'll see you out. You stay in bed, Honey."

"I apologize for the inconvenience, Ma'am. I hope your baby grows to be strong and healthy." the commissioner says as he follows Jereth out.

You nervously nod, and breath a sigh of relief as they round the corner.

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