Stand in the hallway and call Kevin’s name again

From Create Your Own Story

You stay where you are and call Kevin’s name again much louder this time. The sound of the tv shuts off and you hear Kevin calling down

‘ Jake? Just a minute man I will be down in a sec’

‘ok,’ u reply and stay standing the hallway to wait.

About a min or two pass and Kevin runs down the stairs towards you he is wearing only his loose-fitting checked boxer shorts and socks

‘sorry man I was.. Sleeping. what’s up? “ Kevin. Tells you but without making eye contact

'I just came by to see if you wanted to hang out, maybe go the movies or the park or something?’

‘Sure whatever you want to do bro’ Kevin smiles his cute dimples showing, he stands there in his underwear his thin tonnes torso on full display and u can't help but admire his v-shaped body

‘’ I'll just get ready and we can go out or we can hang out here if you like?’he asks

What do you want to do :

go to the park with Kevin

say you want to just hang out at his house

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