Shift your spirit into the woman with the submachine gun

From Create Your Own Story

Shifting into the armed woman, you discover that your name is Lieutenant Danielle Mallory of the US Army. It wasn't easy for a woman to move up in the Army, let alone an attractive woman like yourself, so you made sure you worked harder than all of the boys at your training camp.

You're usually by the book and loyal to your superiors, which can't be said about a lot of the soldiers you know. You want Sarah to strip to make sure she doesn't have any weapons on her, not because you're sexually aroused by the sight of her.

You didn't know your partner's real name. All you knew was he had some position in the government and his savagery impressed you. He caught Sarah smuggling Tyrone out of prison, so the two of you snuck inside the van. In case she refused to strip, your partner gave you yellow oval pills, though he didn't tell you what they would do to her.

A confused look suddenly comes over Sarah. Noticing your gun, she quickly puts her hands up.

"Who are you? Where am I?" she asks, panicking.

You are possessing:
Army Lieutenant
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