She's getting ahead of herself here.

From Create Your Own Story

"Look, you're lovely. I'm sure you're a great person. But we just met and-"

"I'm not asking you to drop your pants and pull out your dick dude," she says, shaking her head. "Relax. I'm just saying that we're far more likely to trust each other, hell, to help each other, if there's sex in the mix. Not now. Just in the mix."

You shrug. It's an odd thing to be discussing with the world falling apart outside. Maybe she's a little crazy. Maybe she's just a free spirit. Maybe both? You aren't sure.

"So are we just going to sit here and ride this out?" you ask.

"Ride out the apocalypse?" She points out the only window, where rain drenches the glass and further obscures your vision of the darkness beyond. "Dude, that's like world ending shit out there. Like, biblical Sodom and Gomorrah type shit. People are eating and fucking each other to death, and enjoying it. You think this is going to pass, and that we'll just wake up tomorrow and be like 'oh, man, last night was crazy. guess i should put on my slacks and head to the office." She cants her head and raises one brow. "We aren't riding this out. We're going to be surviving as best we can."

"How?" You ask as you take a deep breath, wondering if maybe she's right. You haven't had time to wrap your mind around it all yet.

"Weapons, food, water, and clothes. Dry clothes. Probably blankets too. Supplies in general, you know?" She nods toward the door. "We go out there and get what we can, and then hole up in here when we need a rest."

She's right. You don't like the idea of going back out there, but she makes a point your can't ignore.

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