Say you want to just hang out at his house

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to stay at Kevin's place and hang out for a bit.

You both go upstairs to Kevin's room to play computer games. You and Kevin sit on the end of his bed in his typically messy teenage boy's bedroom and play computer games Kevin don't bother to get dresses he just staus in his boxer shorts. He lays back comfortably on the bed with the video game controller in his hands. You try to focus on the game but you are finding it hard when you can see Levine lean torso out the corner of your eye as you sit on the edge of the bed.

’ you suck at this game! ’ Kevin says laughing as he defeats you one more time.

’how about we get out of here and go grab a burger or I can call a pizza delivery and I beat your Ass some more?’ he suggests

Do you

both leave and get some food

order a pizza

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