ST2: Keep on jumping on the roofs

From Create Your Own Story

You decide that the thought of hiding in a sewer is way too ridiculous and disgusting to go through. So, you keep on jumping on the roofs of cars. You look around once again and notice that there also other people who have copied your idea and are now jumping on the rooftops of cars as well. You also spot a slightly overweight person, who is also leaping from roof to roof, is denting every single car he lands on. It is actually pretty hilarious. You smile for a moment, then realise that the tornado has now moved closer to you. You decide to focus directly on leaping.

Moments after, a car flies past the right side of you and slams right into another car beside you. The force of the crash makes some of the vehicles beside it violently shake. Including the car you're on too. You lose your hold on the car and slip off clumsily. Before you land, you slide your left arm out so you can soften the landing. It doesn't work, and instead of it hurting less. Your arm feels like its on fire! You scream and shout in excruciating pain. Your mind is completely focused on the pain caused by the fall. Little do you know that the tornado is still fast approaching. Second by second, the tornado travels closer to you.

You look around you, time seems to be slowed. The tornado in front of you, you take your last breaths of your life. The sky is littered with dark grey clouds. On one of the clouds, you see a shape of a love heart. You suddenly think back to Valentines Day years back in High School. The day when everyone but you received a card. One year you received one from a nice girl, but it turned out to be a prank and inside was hateful messages. Bad days indeed.

A tear rolls from your eye. Truly, nothing can get worse than this.

You did not survive today.

But not to fear, you can always try again.

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