SM:Reason With Him

From Create Your Own Story

"Look, I'm sure we can wo-" you start but are cut off by the sound of the gun going off and blinded as the muzzle flash for some reason is an extremely bright white light.

You don't hear a second shot, though what you do hear is haunting laughter.

You open your eyes and find that you aren't standing in the church anymore but are in some kind of black abyss. Aside from you, and some sort of phantom in front of you, there is nothing but darkness all around.

The laughter is coming from the phantom, which consists of a hooded black cloak with a featureless, white porcelain mask where the face should be. In place of eyes, you see only black behind the mask.

"Oh.. I don't think I've had a laugh like that in quite some time," the phantom says, and you recognize its' voice as the one from earlier who you made the contract with.

"Well, you failed, plain and simple. Now I am here to collect you," it says after a few moments to compose itself.

"But I still have time left!" you insist.

"But you were just killed, the first bullet hit you in the head. Didn't you read the fine print on the contract? No? Well, too bad. You're mine now and you are just too good to let go. Come," the phantom responds, then it turns and floats away.

Whether you wanted to or not, you find yourself following it. Your legs moving against your will. The comment of being too good to let go gives you a feeling that even after you've paid off your debt... this phantom is not going to set you free.

Game Over: You belong to the Phantom now, and forever.

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