Roof, it´s safer

From Create Your Own Story

To the roof it´s 5 floors. They quietly walk to the top ... together. Clementine still don´t trust him but he can help her. On top floor he pulls ladder out of the ceiling and they climb up.

Roof is empty, when Clem looks down on street she sees the herd. 100 maybe 200 walkers gathered here. They must have been somewhere near the city, just standing and waiting.

"Here" John shouts. Clem walks to edge of the roof. There is nearly 4 foot long gap between buildings.

"I will jump first" Clem says. She prepares herself fro jump when John stops her ...

"Throw your backpack first, you will be lighter" That´s smart point, Clem throws her backpack to another roof. Then she jumps.

She lands safely. Now John he throws his backpack and ...

He made it

He slipped

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