Pokemon: Help the man?

From Create Your Own Story

The man needs your help. You decided to help him and walked out of the bushes.

"Yeah, Sure! I'll help you! Bulbasaur, Come On! Time to take on two at a time!", you said.

Bulbasaur looked a little nervous. "Don't worry! You CAN beat them. Remember, you're my HERO!", you encouraged him.

Bulbasaur became ready to fight and entered the battle ground...

He growled at the Rattatas challenging them for a fight. Both the Rattatas stopped gnawing at the bag and looked at each other for a moment.

Then they also entered the battle ground and snarled accepting the challenge.

You smirked, "Bulbasaur! We need to defeat them! Go on, Growl and then Tackle!"

Bulbasaur delivered a strong Growl to the Rattatas. However, this discharged a bit of energy from him.

The Rattatas tried to counter-attack by charging and tackling him. It was successful and Bulbasaur fell back. However, because of the affect of Growl Bulbasaur didn't received much damage.

Bulbasaur stood up. "Bulbasaur! Go hard on the Rattatas! Tackle!"

Bulbasaur regained his senses and charged towards the Rattatas with full power. The Rattatas tried to dodge, but Bulbasaur's 'Hard' Tackle hit a Rattata and it went back flying. Obviously, it fainted.

Bulbasaur was now becoming tired.

The Rattata now tried to Tackle again. Bulbasaur tried to dodge, but got hit cause he was tired.

Bulbasaur recieved a decent damage and was near to unconciousness.

"Bulbasaur... Come On, you can do it... One last Tackle...", you said.

Health Very Tired Pokémon:


Level 6
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