Piggy's Day/Refuse the offer

From Create Your Own Story

Piggy: "And just stay here to slave away for you without pay or a chance to return home? Hell no!"

Michael: "Fine, be like that."

Michael pulls a lever on the wall, and a trapdoor opens under your chair. You fall thirty feet into a pit full of water and crocodiles. One particularly large crocodile holds its mouth open for you to fall straight in, however, you, still tied to a chair, spread your legs and step with one leg on the crocodiles upper jaw, and with the other leg on its lower jaw.

Piggy: "*Phew!* That was close. Now how do I get out of here...?"

At that moment, a gigantic sea serpent swallows you from the crocodile's jaws. While inside the monsters stocmach, you light a match to see.

Piggy: "Strange. Where did I get this match?"

You look around, and judging from the amount of stomach acids, you deduct that some giant sea snake must've swallowed you.

Piggy: "Now what'll I do? Go and escape through it's butt, or what?"

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