Piggy's Day/Is left under

From Create Your Own Story

John is left under the Chupacabras paw. As the Chupacabra lifts its arm, John can be seen badly bruised underneath.

John: "I... I'm okay..."

The Chupacabra then bashes John four more times, until Indiana intervenes, fearing John might die. John is half-imbedded in the concrete platform, with open wounds and a broken arm.

John: "I'm... Still alive..."

Indiana: "Well, that's something."

The judges briefly retreat to think.

Indiana: "What do you think? Five direct hits from a Chupacabra, and didn't lose conciousness."

Ökerhj: "True. If he'll be unable to continue, I think we should at least give him an honorary mention."

Juflop: "For what? Dot dying? The meaning of this challenge was to estimate ones own strength. In that sense, John has failed miserably."

Medic: "John has just reported that he's voluntarily giving up."

Indiana: "Well, that's that."

Gyorge: "This just in: John Timberman has given up! After five years, the title will finally change owner. Who of the 9 remaining finalsits will reign supreme?"

Piggy: "HAHAHAHAHAAAA! Ooh, this was hilarious! I'll have to ask Indiana if I can buy a Chupacabra from him."

Fan: "*sigh* I guess it's time to pay up. Hey, where's our stakesholder?"

Some time later, by the rocket, your stakesholder runs inside with the envelope containing the money. He hands some to the receptionist.

Stakesholder: "I'd like to upgrade my room to first class."

Receptionist: "Very well. Do you need help with moving your luggage?"

Stakesholder: "No, thank you."

He goes into his room, and looks into the mirror. Then, he takes off his artificial face. Underneath it he has a large mustache. The stakesholder was, in fact, Sam Mustache, a notorious con-artist. Sam then looks into the room's closet, where the real stakesholder sits tied up and gagged.

Sam: "I can now let you go... I'll just need to give you a day's worth of amnesia gas."

Just as Sam is taking out the syringe, Piggy, the fan, and the police bust in.

The police: "Don't try anything!"

Sam is arrested and the real stakesholder is released.

Sam: "Well, I have to admit that this wasn't the best of my plans. After I heard these two discuss about their ridiculous, 2000 dollar waiger, I decided to steal that money. During the survival round I waited until the stakesholder went to the loo, and then I kidnapped him and took him here. I then made a mask of his face, and when I returned, I lied about having had constipation. I wanted you to think that the real stakesholder would have ran away with your money. I only needed to give him amnesia gas and release him wandering around. Then I could have escaped to Mars and live the easy live for a while."

Piggy: "And you would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for us meddling..."

Sam: "NO! Shut up, this humiliating enough without clichés."


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