Piggy's Day/Call for help

From Create Your Own Story

Scientist: "Wait a minute, weren't you under the effect of the top secret machine?"

Piggy: "The gravity reversal? By no means, I just happen to take a leasurely stroll in the ceiling every now and then!"

Scientist: "Right."

The scientist calls for someone in the lower floor to help them. As it turns out, the elevator doesn't work because it weighs less than the negative weight that you impose. Another scientist pulls the elevator down manually with a long stick and a hook. You now enter the top secret testing facility.

Scientist: "Welcome to our top secret testing facility! This is where the machine you were subjected to was developed in. I am scientist No. 2, and this is the project leader, scientist No. 1"

Piggy: "Are there really just two people working on this project?"

No. 1: "Actually, I'm responsible for the entire project, No. 2 is just to fetch my coffee and do other random stuff."

No. 2: "Our budget is crap, but as you've witnessed first hand, we get things done."

You need to be subjected to a few tests. First you take the:

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