Piggy's Day/A.I. Piggy

From Create Your Own Story

A.I. Piggy: "Wait, I got an idea - we can build a weather machine to rain knives down on people!"

Piggy 2B0F36: "How the fuck would that even work?"

A.I. Piggy: "All we need to do is reverse the polarisation of a Saturnian rain cloud, and it'll start forming large ice shards."

Piggy: "And WHERE exactly can we find a reverse polarizer, or a Saturnian rain cloud for that matter?"

You go to the local supermarket, and buy a reverse polarizer, and then find a specialized store up the same street that sells dehydrated Saturnian rain clouds. After the purchase, you take a closer look at the labeling.

Piggy: "Wait, look at this: 'To operate, simply add 10 billion gallons of water.'"

A.I. Piggy: "Oh, bugger."

Piggy 2B0F36 grabs the small paper bag from A.I's hands.

Piggy 2B0F36: "Give me that, you filthy casual!"

He then tosses the tiny amount of powder into the ocean. Immediately, the water begins to billow out an enourmous reddish smoke cloud.

A.I. Piggy: "Well, that'll work."

You wait a few hours for the smoke to end, but it just keeps coming. Even the following morning it shows no signs of ending.

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