Ongoing Story\Let's escape disguised as cooks

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 16: Nothin' Sez Lovin' Like Stuffin' Kayla's Oven

"I've got an idea! We'll get out dressed up like cooks!" You tell her.

"Don't be ridiculous! How are we going to get two chef uniforms!" Ilsa is dubious of your plan.

"You just lead the way to the kitchen, let me handle getting the chefs out of their uniforms." You give her a playful smile. The former guard nods, getting the idea now.

The Duke's Kitchen is actually not that far away from his torture chambers (Korol works up a healthy appetite punishing women for hours on end) and luckily scantily clad women wandering the Keep are not that uncommon a sight.

"The Kitchen is through these doors!" Ilsa whispers upon reaching your destination.

"Great! I'll get the cooks naked and keep them distracted. You'll have to sneak in latter and steal their clothing. Think you can do that?" You raise an elegant elfin brow.

"Yes, Kayla. Thank you for doing this! The Duke's men disgust me, I couldn't bear the thought of letting another one of them fuck me." The powerful woman shudders. You place a hand on her shoulder, as if to let her know that things will be OK, and notice her nipples harden at your touch. Hmmm, looks like Ilsa has a thing for the ladies. Maybe the real reason for her imprisonment was something going on between her and Korol's wife? You let go of her and walk through the double doors into the kitchen where you see only one lone chef.

"What are you doing here! The Kitchen is off-limits to everyone but the kitchen staff!" The cook is shocked to see a practically naked half-elf in his kitchen.

"Honey, the only kitchen staff I'm interested in is under that apron." You grin sexily at the man as you walk towards him slowly and confidently. "The Duke sent me down here as a present. He really loved tonight's meal and wanted to show his appreciation."

The cook's jaw drops at his good fortune. Duke Korol has never been so generous with him before, usually it's only with his most loyal guards that he shares one of his harem girls. You press your hot young body up against his, backing him up against the kitchen counter forcefully. You aggressively pull off his clothing while he caresses your firm tits and kisses you hungrily. He sits his bear ass down on the counter top (not very sanitary!) and lift you onto his lap, straddling his cock. Before long he's stuffing you like a holiday turkey. You cry out in pleasure as he fucks you.

Hearing the sounds of people screwing, someone sneaks into the room.

Who is it?

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