Make them chase you

From Create Your Own Story

You turn and run, laughing at them over your shoulder.

The lean boy is quicker. He's after you immediately. Jamie is torn between scooping up their pot and chasing the only naked woman he's likely to see until college. "Dennis! Wait, dammit!"

The grass is soft under your feet and the downhill momentum turns the headstones into serious obstacles. Your pursuer, who must be Dennis, is fast. Long strides have him right behind you in less than a dozen strides.

A headstone looms large in front of you and rather than slow to turn-you vault it. Dennis is too busy staring at your nakedly running ass to react in time. He caroms off the knee-high rock and rolls into a second monument.

You double back on him, breathing heavily. This nun is no athlete...

Jamie (and his bag) trots down toward you. Dennis is clearly out of the chase.

Do you:

You are possessing:
Young, attractive nun
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