Life as a good little girl/Jaydan comes back with shoe options

From Create Your Own Story

"Okay, we have three good options in your size," announces Jaydan.

He places three boxes on the ground at your feet. You've never owned a pair of heels before and you haven't really worn any either. Besides, what's wrong with sneakers?

"First option." Jaydan lifts a pink heal into the air. It's very plain except that the top of the shoe has a frilly fake flower poking out of it. It's very girly.

You gasp in shock when Jaydan grabs one of your legs until you realize what he's doing. He slips them on your feet with little effort. Once they are against your soles part of you wonders if these are meant to be worn with socks.

"Try them out already!" Tiffany urges.

Shakily, you stand in heels. You can tell you're taller right away which pleases you greatly. You take a cautious step forward then try to strut away confidently, only to falter and wobble back and forth.

"Umm, Stephi..."

You look back to see Tiff smacking Jaydan. He's stares back at you with an apologetic grin.


He was probably going to give you advice. Oh well. You turn around after a few more steps and hobble back to your seat. Your seat...

The gap in the sarong... Your ass was out that entire time!

"That a girl, Stephi! Such confidence!" She hugs you sideways, not-so-inconspicuously placing one of her hands on your barely-there boobs. She's getting a lot of enjoyment from how naked you are.

"Soo... how was it?" asks Jaydan.

You shrug, playing with your sarong nervously. Jaydan slips the girlish shoes from your feet.

"Well these next ones are more of a proper stiletto."

Your eyes widen when you see what he pulls from the next box. They are all black and VERY tall, easily a six inch heel with a small platform as well. But they are very feminine in a way. The shoe laces all the way up the front like a boot, coming up to the ankle. But most of the fabric is black lace which - in your eyes - makes it a less frightening looking shoe and kind of pretty.

Your eyes are fixated on the shoes as Jaydan tries to get you into them. He pulls your leg up and maneuvers your foot inside before resting your foot on his thigh so that he can lace it for you. Your leg up so high, you're forced to lean back, bracing yourself with your arms on the bench so you can continue to watch him lace you.

"How's she look, Jaydan?"

"Oh, uh, we'll see once they're on," he responds, flustered.

"No, how does her pussy look?"

Your eyes shoot to Tiff, then down to Jaydan. He matches your gaze but can't stop himself from glancing down every second. Then you realize just how stupid you are. He's lifting your leg. You're leaning back. Could it be any easier for him to look under your sarong?

You calmly prop yourself up on one hand and slip the other between your legs, pushing the chiffon material into your thighs. Jaydan finishes with the first shoe and moves onto the other, trying to ignore Tiff's comment.

"Almost there," he says cheerfully.

"Are you a virgin, Jaydan?"

He glances at Tiff with concern, his movements more hurried. "Haven't you asked me that before?"

"Stephi could help you out with that, you know. She's a total pro."

You pinch your friend, trying to get her to shut up. You mouth to her 'stop' but she just grins at you quizzically.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" she adds. "I can tell you like her."

"Done!" Jaydan proclaims, standing. "Try them out!"

You try to stand but you're much more wobbly than before. The base of the shoe is curved and between that and the crazy heel it feels like your feet are balancing on only two points.

"I can help her!" shouts Tiffany, bouncing to her feet. She grabs your wrists and pulls you off of the bench sharply. Somehow you don't instantly collapse into a heap on the floor, which you appreciate because you still need to twist your sarong. But Tiff isn't waiting.

"Come on! Walk!"

Effectively standing on your tip toes makes your butt stick out really far, but it does nothing for your coordination. Tiffany is pulling on your wrists trying to coax you forward but you can only manage tiny little shuffles. You start to bend at the waist as your feet can barely move. She's pulling you too far. You're going to fall!

Leaning crazily far forward, you start to tip like a falling tree, but Tiff catches you by your armpits mid fall. You're bent all the way over, your face pressing into Tiff's stomach while your rear sticks out straight behind you. There is an even larger draft than usually between your legs. Your sarong hangs beneath you like an apron, exposing all of your backside to the entire store. And pointing right at Jaydan.

"Nice ass, huh!" jeers Tiffany while you attempt to right yourself.


You can feel yourself blush even more than you already were. Does Jaydan like your butt? You can almost sense him checking you out behind you. The thought that this cute guy likes your body brings you to linger like this a little too long. Tiff pulls you up the rest of the way.


Tiffany whispers the word in a sensual fashion inches from your face. The heels help with this as they make you much closer to the same height. You stare into Tiff's eyes, enamored and intimidated, before she spins you around.

"You like what you see, don't you Jaydan? So why haven't you said anything about Stephi's titties?"

Tiff rests all of her fingers across your chest before slowly dragging them over your nipples teasingly. You bit your lip in frustration as you stare straight at Jaydan. And then you realize how that probably looks to him...

You manage to gauge a few reactions from people around you. Various employees are eyeing you down scornfully. Most of the customers seem quite entertained. And then there's Jaydan, caught between his pants and a hard place.

"Yeah... I mean... she is very pretty." He seems to finally be staring unabashedly at your body, an anticipated result considering how little you're wearing.

"Hey," Tiffany whispers into your ear. "Whaddya say to a free pair of shoes?"

You're not even sure you have a say. Follow Tiffany's lead on this.

Tell Jaydan you'll buy these shoes so you can get out of there already!

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