Lets get this party started

From Create Your Own Story

‘Lets get this party started’ you reply

‘fuck yeah!!’ Adam says as he gives your leg a little squeeze. Hits his beer bottle against yours and He then takes a long swig of his beer as you take a sip from yours.

‘Sexy little party boy I love it’ Adam says kinda talking to himself as he gets up off the sofa and goes to a nearby drawer and takes out a small Baganda sits back down beside you. He opens the small plastic bag and takes out some small star shape pills and place two in the palm of his hand.

‘Here take one of these bad boys’ he says as he takes one of the pills and swallows it himself than takes the other and says ‘open up’ as he goes to feed you the drug.

Do you

open up and swallow the pill


politely say no you don’t want to take it

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