Lead the purple-haired girl to a back room and fuck her

From Create Your Own Story

You take the unresisting girl by the hand and lead her into the dimly lit rooms at the rear of the club. The rooms have curtains instead of doors and people wander in and out freely, in various states of dress and undress.

You hear moans coming from one room and move along. There are moans from the next room as well. You push aside a curtain, enter the third room, and find that there are two mattresses lying on the floor. In the dim lighting, it's difficult to tell how clean either one is. One is unoccupied, but there's a pale-skinned redhead lying spread-eagled in her underwear on the other. There's a man with a Mohawk standing over her with his dick out, pissing on her stomach.

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Health Horny Location:

The Dead Cat Club

MP 0
Level 1
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