Knight costume

From Create Your Own Story

You take the knight costume into the dressing room and try it on. You look good in it, at least, as far as you can tell through the thin slits of the bucket on your head. You step out of the dressing room...

...and onto a horse. You're also in the middle of a warzone, and men in armor are hacking and swinging and stabbing into eachother on horseback with swords, spears, maces, and morningstars. Tents are burning, and poorly equipped levies are dying left and right. Your armor feels much heavier than it did before, and as an arrow bounces off of your helmet with a dull clang you can tell that it is no longer plastic.

Over the sound of half-intelligible war cries you hear the wail of a dying horse, followed by a bloodcurdling scream and turn your attention towards it. Through the gaps in between warriors you see a large horse lying still on the ground with its head lopped off at the neck, crushing its rider beneath its massive weight. The rider has quieted down and is reduced to whimpering and moaning over a broken leg.

Standing over them is another knight riding a white horse, except this one is wearing considerably more ornate armor than the others, and the longsword in his hand has strange glyphs carved into the blade that seem to ripple in the sunlight. He is ignoring the knight he just crippled and you can see that he is now looking in your direction.

You can feel the distant figure locking eyes with you over several yards, somehow managing to pick you out of the hundreds of men around you, and before you can understand what is happening, the knight steers his steed towards you and heads straight forward, trampling several unfortunate levies.

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Medieval Battlefield

MP 0
Level 5
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