Kill Harvey

From Create Your Own Story

You push the gun into Harvey's temple a little more. He is grimacing.

"Put the damn gun down!" Harvey says to you.

"You were my best friend, man." You say to him, a sad look coming over your face.

"I'm sorry it came to this." You say sadly. You pull the trigger of the Glock.

Harvey's expression went away in seconds, and he slumped in his carseat, strapped in by his seatbelt.

You look at your friend and the blood pouring from his temple. A tear drips from your left eye. You throw the bag in the back seat and leave Harvey's car. You walk over to a nearby bus stop. Five minutes later you board the bus.

You look out the window of the bus, thinking back over the actions you just committed. The time flies by as you think about Harvey and the memories you had with him, and about 15 minutes later the bus arrives in Downtown Boston.

You consider going home and continuing the piece of shit that is your life. But you also know that Harvey's agency will be coming for you once word of his death gets back to them. You consider going to an internet café and booking a flight out of the country. At the same time, you feel remorse and regret over killing Harvey, and you consider turning yourself in to the police.

Go home and live in seclusion

Go to an internet cafe

Go to the police station and turn yourself in

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