Katie's dad drops her off at school

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Tired and Inattentive Apparel and Items: Shorts, Shirt, Panties, Bra, and Shoes
Day, Time Monday, Morning
Need to Bathroom Morning Need, Full of the Fibrous Cereal
Level of Humiliation None

Her dad pulled the car up behind the last school bus. The other students were already exiting the vehicles and making their way into the school. Katie could see a handful of her friends, Samantha and her cheerleader friends included. It looked it was going to be yet another boring Monday for her.

"Thanks for the ride dad." Katie said as she left the vehicle.

"Hey remember to hand in the documents! You know how your mother gets when you don't." her dad replied.

"I got it dad!" Katie yelled back, fast walking to get away from her parents.

Her parents, although loving, had always been a source of embarrassment for her. Aunt Jill was as bad or worse than her parents, but at least her parents loved her. Aunt Jill didn't seem to hold a very high opinion of Katie. Joining the crowd entering school, her friend Caitlin headed over to walk beside her. Caitlin had been one of the girls who didn't actually try to humiliate her.

"How are you doing Katie?" Caitlin asked her.

"Okay, although I have to hand this into the office before class." Katie replied, showing the envelope.

"Oh, well you better do that now, I hear we are doing a project in class today for English." her friend explained.

"Alright, well I will see you in class." Katie told her, leaving her friend to head off to the office.

Katie entered the main office, which thankfully had no line. Walking up Katie handed the envelope over to the secretary.

"How can I help you?" the man asked as she took the paper over.

"This is a doctor's note, I was told to hand this in here." Katie told him.

The secretary opens the note and reads it

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