Harry Potter and the Connubialis Hex/Hogwarts Express/Lavender, Parvati and Padma/Join the twins/Beckon Ginny in/Ask them to leave/Reach down her pants

From Create Your Own Story

As they begin to make out, Harry slips his hand under Ginny's belt, down the front of her pants. She draws back suddenly, pulling his hand away.

"Woah," she says, looking at him as though she doesn't know him. "Don't you think that's a little too fast? I don't know if we're ready for that."

Harry looks down, pretending to be ashamed. He points his wand at her from under his seat and whispers, "Connubialis!"

"What?" asks Ginny as she hears him whisper. Suddenly however, her face changes and she looks at him differently. "On second thought," Ginny whispers to him, bringing her face closer, "I guess we could go there... Take it slow though... Please?"

Harry smiles and places his lips on hers. The electricity between them builds, and Harry probes Ginny's lips with his tongue. She opens up, hesitantly at first, but then begins to suck gently on the tip of his tongue.

As Harry becomes more aroused, he moves to the next level. Which level is that?

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