Grab them all and make a run for it

From Create Your Own Story

You grab every set of keys you see, and after opening the window, slink out into the night. Melanie steps out behind you and Mrs. Park comes through last. She's still whimpering about her children, but you know that's a lost cause. You make your way across the front lawn, towards the drive way through the dark and rain, and as lightning flashes and lights up the night, you can see a mass of shapes across the street. Human-like shapes.

You rush your companions to the car and try the first set of keys. Glancing up, you can see the mass moving towards you, slowly. Their steps aren't hurried, as if they almost know they've got plenty of time. You try the second set of keys, each and every one that looks like it will fit, and as Melanie screams for you to hurry, you realize you're completely fucked.

The mass rushes you, dozens of blister-faced men and women wielding all sorts of vicious weaponry. Knives, clubs, pieces of broken glass. You can't count the implements by which you're about to die. You curse your decision to impatiently make a run for it as they're on you, and someone jabs a big thick knife into your guts. You let out a whimper as it drives your back into the car, and a second blade sinks into the right side of your chest. You hear Melanie and Mrs. Park screaming, but there's nothing you can do for them as more sharp bits of metal and glass begin to slide into your flesh.

As lightning crashes through the sky again, you can see the faces of your murderers, and they're all wearing heinous smiles.

Your life and adventure ends here.

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