Go with the Horsemen to the university

From Create Your Own Story

The four of you rush over to the college university. You start to struggle keeping up with the trio of Horsemen, so you quickly shift into a slim female teenage jogger on the way to your destination. You reach the campus in a matter of minutes.

"These so-called angels are after a girl named Kaya," Conquest explains. "Wiry build, reddish brown hair. We have to find her before they do."

"I'm in, just so long as I get to kill these pricks," Death snickers.

"So what are we supposed to do?" you ask.

"Here's the plan," War replies. "I'm going to search the campus grounds for this girl." To Conquest he says, "You're going up in that tower and scouting the area with your rifle. One of you will be with me and the other will be with him," he informs you and Death.

You are possessing:
High School Jogger
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