Go with Penny and Samuel to the school

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to join them, you all get in Sams car and drive to the school. Sitting in the back of the car you have a pleasant journey listening to the radio and having some small talk with both Penny and Sam.

After a short drive, Sam pulls up at the school parking lot. It's strange to see the place so quiet, there are only a handful of cars in the parking lot and it's strange to see replace with no students around. You all get out of the car and make your way the school's main entrance. Inside the school is totally silent with no one around.

”well I'm going to need to go straight to over to Mr Hodges classroom if I want to get there in time for the life drawing class,” says Penny breaking the silence.

Life drawing, you think to yourself that means naked models posing for the class, the thought of a hot naked man posing in front of you excites you.

”are you coming to the class Jake or did you just come to collect your things from your locker?” Penny asks

You stop and think for a moment what do you want to do

go to the Art class

Go collect your belongings form your locker

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