Go to the grocery store to buy more Sugar Bang in case the next one contains a buddy

From Create Your Own Story

The grocery store parking lot is too quiet so you begin to make noise.
"Sugar Bangs! Hell yeaaaaah Broham!" you say to no one in particular, hoping that someone friendly will hear you and think you are cool.
"Oh my goodness, I think you are so cool," says a creepy old man with one hand on a shopping cart and the other in his baggy pajama pants.
You rush into the grocery store to find help but soon get distracted by the complete lack of Sugar Bangs on the shelf. You feel like sobbing as this suddenly becomes metaphorical for the lack of Sugar Bangs in your heart. A firm hand clasps you on the shoulder. You look up into the swarthy yet welcoming face of...

...50 cent.

For some reason you have trouble feeling confident when he says that they will be here soon.

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