Go to hospital

From Create Your Own Story

you slowly blink open your eyes and sit up, only to discover you cannot move you have been strapped to the bed. the whole room is white.do you hear ticking? nothing in the room, but the bed you are in and an old broken clock (how is it ticking? strange). you remember your family is still in grave danger and you thrash about wildly trying to escape. you smell the faint smell of cherries and your eyes begin to droop...


your sister is the only one who believes you're innocent and not a lunatic. she and her room-mate set out late one night up to the crime room. they find the carpet corner bunched up and they lift it up to find a trap door.

your sister...

climbs down into the trap door

lets her roommate climb down the trap door

they go back to their room they can mess around with trap doors in the morning

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