Go to Doom Mountain

From Create Your Own Story

You take your leave to doom mountain you feel scared, could this be the end of you? this could and it might you find a letter on the ground you start you read it: Dear: Denimear,

Denimear, i know you are scared. I made my leave to doom mountain and i found horrible thing, things that you would never imagine, but Denimear, i found him! i found him after all but i have failed to kill him. It was hard, difficult, and stressful. I struck him left and right, why i wrote this because he ripped my tongue out, and said i would never be able to talk again. I ran like a coward, im so sorry Denimear, i have failed you and i will hate myself forever, i do not know how to repay you Denimear, once again i am very, very, very sorry Denimear! If this letter is not being read by Denimear than please find him and give this to him, it is very, very, very important.

After you read the letter, you know who Denimear is but that cant be because the only Denimear ever known was a elf king, but he was in rule 700 years ago! how is that possible! it is either this letter is very old or it is to another Denimear.

Health 1,200 Possessions:

Paladin Spell Book, Caladbolg, Vorpal Blade, The 10 Rings, Golden Plate Armour, Silver Plate Mail, Demon Book

MP 200
Level 31
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