Go for her armpits to get her on her back

From Create Your Own Story

As her laughter slowly slows down, you grab one of your mother's shoulders and roll her over. When she stops moving, her breasts rock back and forth for a little, eventually settling stop her. She looks past them at you only to see you dive forward.

This time, she can't even start begging you to stop- your hands are buried under her arms, wiggling ferociously. She tries to push you up and off, roll over, anything to make it stop. The entire time, you are literally on top of her, your soda-damp torso squelching up against hers. Her tits act as a cushion, rolling around under you as she moves.

When she starts crying from laughter, you stop and collapse stop her, both of you breathing heavily.

You are possessing:
12th Grade Boy
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