Give Katie a laxative to clear her system to teach her proper dietary habits

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Nervous, Embarrassed, Jeans Around Her Knees Apparel and Items: Jeans(Pushed Down), T-Shirt, White Panties with Red Hearts, and an Undersized Bra
Day, Time Thursday, Immediately After School
Need to Bathroom Growing
Level of Humiliation A Little

The head coach hands Katie what looks like a small piece of chocolate "Katie please eat that"

Without hesitation Katie's swallows it "that tasted funny what kind of chocolate was that?"

"It's not chocolate it's exlax Katie" the coach says

"What?!" Katie says in disbelief

The female coach chimes in "we need to see your stool to check to see what your diet is like"

"What?!" Katie says

The head coach drops a bucket on the ground "please just shit in the bucket"

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