Get your ass out of there, before he remembers your name and tells someone.

From Create Your Own Story

You leave him startled and confused, stepping out of the steam room and closing the door behind you. You shiver, thinking about how wrong that might have gone.

You stand in the hallway, wondering what to do next, when suddenly, a voice sounds, startling. "The Midtown Spa is now closing," the voice declares. "Please gather return any keys and gather your personal belongings before you leave. Thank you for your patronage." You hadn't noticed a speaker before, but there's apparently one around here somewhere.

You heave a sigh, and head to the locker room, where you quickly gather your stuff and get dressed, while a few other men walk into the room, doing the same. You keep your head down, hoping the coach doesn't appear, and then step out through the doors to the desk, where you hand in your key, and step out into the night.

All in all, not a terrible birthday, you think. You pull out your cell phone and call a cab. Time to head home.

(The End - please send feedback to

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