Get out of the car and show the doorman your golden card

From Create Your Own Story

Worried that the doorman might call the police you step out of the car and shove the golden card in his face. “They're with me.“ You say quickly and the doorman promptly steps aside. Yin and Desire head into the club, followed by you and then Miguel. The doorman observes Miguel with a watchful glare. Kids from his block aren’t supposed to come in here.

The constant repeating German techno music fills your ears as you enter the club. There’s an overtone of blue lighting in the club, supported by flashing colors that would be harmful to epileptics. You raise the vibrations level to 3 before ordering Yin and Desire to hit the dance floor.

Out on the dance floor their bodies come alive. None of them are professional dancers, but they have things on them that shake. Desire swings her hips back and forth, tossing her alluring ass all over the place. Flaunting her sexual arousal to everyone on the dance floor. You raise the level to 4.

Yin’s new heavy boobs are bouncing on her tiny frame as she dances. She swings her golden hair around like crazy and grinds up against her nearby dancers. Her face is red, clearly aroused, which shows in her dancing. Your slaves are the biggest sluts on the dance floor.

Theirs sweat running down their foreheads, they must be losing themselves to the moment. Mixing vibrations and dancing must turn them on like crazy. The hornier they are the more they wish to show it on the dance floor. You raise the intensity to level 5.

It won’t take long for men with clear intentions to approach them.

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